En glömsk mans funderingar

I denna blog är det fritt för alla och envar att läsa de funderingar som Jens A Gulin - för att inte glömma bort - antecknar. Eller är det för att äntligen kunna glömma bort dem? Ingen vet ännu.

Denna text är skriven på svenska - This text is written in Swedish - Dieser Text wird auf Swedish geschrieben

Vit som nunnorna och fåren, grön som snön om våren. // JAG


- torsdag, april 20, 2006 -

Blog: Posts merged from mobile blog suddenly disappeared

Öppet brev till Blogger support, självklart formulerat på engelska...

Dear Blogger support!

Yesterday I created a mobile blog (macwad18.blogspot.com) and posted about 5 images. Today I claimed the blog and merged it with my existing one (jagulin.blogspot.com). The merge was correctly completed it seems and macwad18 is non-existent. I could see the posts both in the jagulin-blog and in the "Edit post" list on Blogger. Suddenly all merged posts disappeared from the post list (but still visible in the blog). This was after stepping around some in the admin view, notably doing "refresh" of the post list, going into the settings tab (without change), create post (and then back without save), and View on one of the photo posts.

Naturally I tried to blog another mobile photo and it sure enough appeared on the post list. After refresh on the blog it was in synch with the post list again. All mobile posts but the last one has disappeared.

I started to believe it was all in my imagination. Furtunately I can still claim sanity because the posts still appear on their permalink, as can be seen in this search:

One example of the missing posts is the one below. As you can see it has the correct date and everything. Or is it a problem that the post time is earlier than the time stated on the search result?

I write this for two reasons:
1) Helping you with a problem report if you've (never) seen this before
2) Can you help me getting the posts back in there?

Thank you for your consideration,